Technology has allowed the conventional research time and methods to become obsolete. The quickest and easiest means of obtaining literally any information needed is to turn to the Internet. For B2B marketers, this holds particularly true as many times, numerous people on several different levels of management need to be on the same page. This information, whether it be pricing or research can be found quickly and disseminated easily to all parties involved, making or breaking a deal.
A survey of B2B participants yielded some interesting results: 93% of all participants polled indicated they would use online research as a tool prior to decision making, with 63% of them initiating the research using a search engine, and a resounding 95% of them admitting that a search engine query would be utilized. Google is the favored search engine used by B2B executives, and the usage of search engines on the whole plays a dominant role in B2B transactions. Researchers utlilize the top search results, with a balance between paid and organic search results, and a close attention to organic SEO and positioning. Secondary tools used in B2B research includes consumer review sites, industry portals, manufacturers website and competing e-commerce sites.
Realizing that most of the web traffic from B2B participants is due to search engine optimization, it pays to spend the time and money needed in your B2B marketing. Great value is derived when search engine optimization is geared not only to the consumer, but to the world of B2B. Search engine marketing traffic is whom everyone is after. After all, these persons are that who are most interested in your product and/or service and is most predisposed to spending their money on the same. Realizing that your search engine marketing efforts are non intrusive and found voluntarily, make the most of all techniques, rules and tools to allow your potential to be attained.
Tue, Dec 18, 2007
Search Engine Marketing